The 4th Plenary Meeting of the European-funded project Horizon Europe ENERSHARE was held in beginning of October in Athens, Greece, hosted by one of the consortium partners, the Greek University NTUA, at the Amalia Hotel Athens.
ENERSHARE main objective is to facilitate the sharing of energy data. Since, in the energy sector, data sharing is lagging due to trust and privacy concerns, ENERSHARE will develop a reference architecture for a European Energy Data Space that combines cloud security solutions with integrated digital security and global artificial intelligence and data exchange architectures. It will carry out pilots and use cases. By enhancing interoperability, establishing trust and increasing the value of data building blocks, ENERSHARE will tailor solutions to the needs of the energy sector.
The event held in October 2023 served to evaluate the status of the project, focusing on the developments of the last 6 months. The meeting was kicked-off by NTUA's Research Director Ntanos Christos, welcoming the Consortium and opening the discussions. All partners presented their parts, namely:
- Overview of the project & progress so far, by ENGINEERING (coordinator);
- Extended intra-energy and cross-sector Data Space interoperability building blocks, by TECNALIA;
- Data and Services marketplaces for data sharing value creation and energy compensation, by ENGINEERING;
- Cross-value chain AI-based data-driven services, by INESC TEC;
- Data Space and data sharing governance and business models, led and presented by R&D Nester;
- ENERSHARE real-life demonstration, by NTUA;
- Dissemination, communication and exploitation, by FIWARE and ENGIE.
The main outcomes resulting from the already published deliverables were presented, emphasizing the innovative design of data sharing incentive mechanisms, the connector's status and the 1st version of the MVP (Minimal Viable Product), as well as the different services that will be explored within the project's data space.
Group photo of the meeting with the ones attending physically
The meeting had also a couple of workshops dedicated to the MVP demo, project reference architecture and technical alignment and coordination led by TNO, RWTH and European Dynamics, respectively.
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