R&D NESTER in the list of the 100 companies in Portugal that invested most in R&D activities
IPCTN 2017 - R&D NESTER in the list of the 100 companies in Portugal that invested most in R&D activities (category equivalent to SMEs)
Last February, the National General Directorate of Statistics of Education and Science (DGEEC) published the results of IPCTN survey for 2017, regarding R&D expenditure in Portugal by companies.
According to this publication, the investment in 2017 placed R&D NESTER in the list of the 100 companies that invested most in R&D activities in Portugal, in the category equivalent to SMEs.
For R&D Nester, this achievement is a sign of commitment towards its shareholders and country, in developing new and innovative solutions in the energy sector.
Currently, R&D NESTER is working in several R&D Projects, covering topics such as Renewable Integration, Flexibility, Cooperation-TSO DSO, Big Data, among others. The complete portfolio of finished and under development projects can be found here.
In what concerns to national global results, in the year under review, Portugal total expenditure in R&D reached 2.585 MEuros, representing an increase around 8% compared to 2016. When it comes to the impact on GDP, the amount spent on R&D represented 1.33%, of which 0.67% correspond to the business sector - about 50% of the total expenditure.
The IPCTN is the official source of statistical information on R&D activities in Portugal. It is a survey of mandatory response, carried out in accordance with the criteria laid down at international level by Eurostat and OECD, with reference to the Frascati Manual.