

R&D Nester joins the Joint Program of the European Energy Research Alliance


R&D Nester was accepted as a new member of the Joint Program Smart Cities of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA). The European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) is a joint effort of leading European research institutes which have taken up the challenge of accelerating the development of these new energy technologies to pave the way towards a low-carbon Europe. The key focus is on streamlining and coordinating national and European research activities and pooling resources in order to maximize synergies and optimize pan-European energy research capabilities and infrastructures.

The key objective of the Joint Programme is to develop new scientific methods and tools to support European cities in their transformation into smart cities. This will be achieved by the extensive use of low carbon technologies and smart energy management based on innovative design and operation of the entire urban energy system - from generation to distribution and consumption. The results obtained will provide the basis for unlocking the full potential of energy efficiency and large-scale integration of renewable energies in urban areas. This will lead to significant reductions in energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions while at the same time creating a liveable environment for residents.

For Nuno Souza e Silva it means a "a very important initiative for R&D Nester as regards the enlargement of the national and European network of networking in this area of smart grids. The ERANET includes a core of members and the R & D Nester see with great interest allowed to join as "Associate Participant" for the JP on Smart Cities which will include a set of activities that will allow not only to R & D Nester make itself known together other key stakeholders in this area to analyze joint participation opportunities in current or future programs of European funding in this area".

The EERA Joint Programmes constitute strategic, permanent collaborations between major research organisations and institutes to form a virtual center of excellence. They are designed to address the key topics of Europe's energy future and currently involve close to 3000 researchers from over 150 public research centres and universities.

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